Saturday, November 8, 2008


People are always asking me how I like Florida so I have made a list of things I miss about Michigan and things I like about Florida.

Things I Miss
Seasons- the color change in the fall, the smell of spring and everything coming back to life, and yes I do miss snow.

Family and Friends- no explanation needed I hope

Back Roads- being able to get just about any place 10 different ways depending on traffic. Where we live there are 3 major roads going north-south and 5 roads going east-west and because of the water you must go over a bridge to get just about any where from my house

Good Beef- the cows in Florida are grass grazed not corn feed and you can taste the difference

Gas Stoves- most of the homes only have electric and I find myself burning things it really makes a difference at least to me

Things I Like about Florida

Meeting new people- We have meet some great people and are starting to get close to some of them

New kinds of wildlife-It is cool to see alligators,wild pigs, and Sandhill cranes.

Year around golf- I know that it is against the seasons but it is fun to golf in January

Cell phones and Facebook- ok I know that you have thees anywhere but they help me stay connected to the people in Michigan

Having to find new things- when you move you need to get used to everything new stores, vet, church, hair dresser, and on and on and on but this had taken me out of my comfort zone and made me stretch and I like that now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We miss you, too. But hopefully we can correct that and move closer. :)