Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday Trivia on Wednesday

We played again last night and it was by far the worst we have done we only got 1 question right in the 2nd round (6 To 9) but we did get the bonus right not that it did much good. So good luck and let me know how you do.

1)What is the most famous song from the musical "Annie"?

2)Sailors on which of Columbus' 3 ships spotted land in the New World 1st?

3)Comedian Gilbert Godfreid supplied the voice of Yago in what Disney classic?

4)What are the spokes-animals for Chick-fil-a?

5)(Bonus)Name the 4 teams in the NFL's AFC East?

6)True or False France is larger than Spain?

7)In which Mel Brooks movie was "It's good to be the king" 1st quoted?

8)A wildebeest has another name and is only 3 letters long instead of 10. What is it?

9)Which lasted longer the Civil War or The Revolutionary War?

10)(Bonus)In What state is Lake Itaska, the source of the Mississippi River?
1-North Dakota 2-South Dakota 3-Minnesota 4-Wyoming

11)According to Parade Magazine, who is Americas favorite star (it is an Actor)?

12)What is the name of the hit supernatural book that is coming out as a movie on Nov. 21?

13)Who created the movie special effects company, Industrial Light and Magic?

14)Who was the 1st Vice President of the United States?

15)(Bonus)Name the 4 countries with the most (different kinds of) mammal species?

16)do materials expand or contract when they are heated?

17)To retailers what is the day after Thanksgiving called?

18)Pastor Ed Young recently made news by calling for a 7 day "blank" challenge for couples?

19)What Scandinavian country last fought a war in1814?

20)(Bonus)Who was the 1st US President born in a hospital (hint-it was in the 20th century)

2)The Pinta
5)Bills, Dolphins, Patriots, Jets
7)History of the World Part 1
9)Revolutionary-8 years (Civil was 4 years)
11)Will Smith
13)George Lucas
14)John Adams
15)Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, China
17)Black Friday
20)Jimmy Carter


Anonymous said...

Not too bad I got 8 this week

Anonymous said...

hmmm... 10. Is that good enough for room and board. It's getting really cold up here.