Saturday, September 13, 2008

To much time to think

I work at a golf course and though is sounds strange we have no golfers in the summer, so most of my day is spent either watching TV, doing puzzles or thinking (scary I know). Lately I have been watching all the stuff on the election. NO this is not going to be about the person I think should win because I am still deciding instead i have thought of how to change our whole election process.

1) The entire election season should be no longer than 6 mo. No one could campaign or ever say that they wanted to run for office until 6 mo. before the Nov. election. (This would save untold amounts of money spent over the years it takes now)

2) All primaries would be held the 2nd Tuesday in August That way the would all count for each party not just the first few.

3) Any one can vote in the primary no matter your party affiliation (moving to Florida we had to declare our party and that is the only party you can vote for in the primary, I have a huge problem with this because it means that independents can't vote in the primary or if you want to cross party lines because you think the other guy is the best guy you can't)

4) Any person holding a elected federal position must resign to run for a different position. I do not like the idea that we pay people to do a job and instead of doing that job they are out trying to get a new one and collecting full pay. I don't know about you but no boss I know would put up with that.

5) I also think that the Vice President should run separately from the President this way we could elect the person we like best in both seats.

Let me know what you all think about my ideas or am I the only one who would love to see things change

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hi all. After reading all your posts I found myself wanting to try this so here it goes. Please keep in mind that English and anything to do with it were my worst subjects in school, so do not expect any thing that would win any awards i just want to keep people up to date on my life and things in sunny Florida.

It has been just over a year that we moved here and i am still adapting but we have found a great church with wonderful people and have gotten involved (yes we are cooking). I have a job that I do like but it is not Handprints but nothing is. Marty is still enjoying his job. Roberta is involved with the college aged group and helps with the youth on Wednesdays when she is not at work, she also started Indian River State College for busisness she is looking at being a wedding planner ( I think that is a great fit for her).

I miss everyone so much but reading your blogs and being on Facebook with all of you helps me feel closer. I love seeing the pictures of the big ones, I would say little ones but they have all gotten so big.

Please do not hesitate to leave a comment I would love to feel like I am talking to each of you even if it is just to say hi.