Saturday, September 13, 2008

To much time to think

I work at a golf course and though is sounds strange we have no golfers in the summer, so most of my day is spent either watching TV, doing puzzles or thinking (scary I know). Lately I have been watching all the stuff on the election. NO this is not going to be about the person I think should win because I am still deciding instead i have thought of how to change our whole election process.

1) The entire election season should be no longer than 6 mo. No one could campaign or ever say that they wanted to run for office until 6 mo. before the Nov. election. (This would save untold amounts of money spent over the years it takes now)

2) All primaries would be held the 2nd Tuesday in August That way the would all count for each party not just the first few.

3) Any one can vote in the primary no matter your party affiliation (moving to Florida we had to declare our party and that is the only party you can vote for in the primary, I have a huge problem with this because it means that independents can't vote in the primary or if you want to cross party lines because you think the other guy is the best guy you can't)

4) Any person holding a elected federal position must resign to run for a different position. I do not like the idea that we pay people to do a job and instead of doing that job they are out trying to get a new one and collecting full pay. I don't know about you but no boss I know would put up with that.

5) I also think that the Vice President should run separately from the President this way we could elect the person we like best in both seats.

Let me know what you all think about my ideas or am I the only one who would love to see things change


Mariana said...

I am with you! I think that having to hear about who might run and then who is running and then who is nominated and then who they picked for VP and then the debates it makes my head spin! I agree that six months before is the right amount of time!!

Anonymous said...

I think 6 months is too long. We need to go with Canada and England's system.

They used to vote the President and V.P. separate, but when there were different parties together it didn't work out too well. So it was changed to our current system. I say just vote for the President and let them announce their V.P. after the inauguration like they do with the cabinet.

I like the primary idea and I agree about the way Florida does the whole thing with declaring a party. As an independent I wouldn't be able to vote and that stinks.

I am so done with this election and think we need to just vote tomorrow.